Is Baby Formula Good for 1-Year-Olds?

Your infant is on their way to becoming a toddler, and you are probably skeptical about their diet. Of course, a 1-year-old’s diet will be different from a 6-month-old’s because of changed nutrition requirements. Your baby is growing, and they will need a lot of vitamins and minerals.

To change their daily food habits, you would want a quick and easy solution. While baby formula seems like an easy option, it is not always safe.

Was your baby a premature birth, or did they have a lower birth weight? In that case, formulas made by brands like Enfamil and Similac have ingredients that can cause your child to develop gastrointestinal disorders. Hence, you need to be extra careful about what packaged food you give your little munchkin.

In this blog, we will discuss the side effects of baby formula, alternatives, and more.

Baby Formula: To Give or Not to Give


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a child should be given breast milk for 2 years or longer. But, as they grow older, parents should introduce solid foods into the child’s diet.

That is where baby formula comes in. It has all the protein, minerals, calcium, and nutrition a 1-year-old needs. However, in a report by Science Direct, it was evident that formula-fed babies develop respiratory infections. It happens due to food allergies found in these products, which leads to an upset stomach, eczema, and runny nose.

Premature or underweight babies have a higher risk of contracting Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) due to baby formula. In this condition, the baby’s intestinal tissue might inflame. If that happens, the baby will have a perforated intestine where bacteria can enter the bloodstream leading to death.

Baby formula contains cow’s milk. And in most cases, parents might not know about their 1-year-old’s allergies. Therefore, if a child has lactose allergies and is given baby formula, they might get skin rashes and an upset stomach. Even though baby formula contains enough nutrition for them, it can still be the cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

At the same time, a sudden change in their diet can cause children to have constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. In serious cases, the infant might pass bloody stools.

That is why, if you do not have any other choice, ensure to consult a doctor and slowly transition your child to high-quality baby formula. Otherwise, you can rely on alternatives and stick to fresh fruits or vegetables.

The Baby Formula Lawsuit


Did you know that parents have filed an Enfamil and Similac Lawsuit because their children developed NEC? The plaintiffs filed claims against Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson & Company, the manufacturers of toxic baby formula.

Upon research, it was proven that their formulas contained toxic cow’s milk which caused infants to develop NEC. According to TorHoerman Law, many cases required the child to go through serious medical complications, which enraged the parents. They suggest that families will be given an average settlement of USD 5000 to USD 500,000, depending on the extent of the baby’s disease.

However, as of April 2024, over 157 baby formula lawsuits are pending.

What Other Foods to Avoid Giving Your 1-Year-Old?

Along with baby formula, you should minimize giving your child sugar-sweetened items and diet drinks. Moreover, do not feed your child unpasteurized juices, milk, cheese, or yogurt.

High-sodium foods can be toxic for a developing child. Similarly, food items like nuts, grapes, raw vegetables, hot dogs, and corn can be a choking hazard for them.

Medical News Today suggests parents avoid feeding dense, small, round, and zero nutritional value food items. At the same time, if your 1-year-old is sick, you can feed them bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT).

The Right Way to Provide Nutrition to Your 1-Year-Old

One-year-olds are fussy and picky eaters. Hence, you need to supervise every time. Ensure that they are either in a high chair or sitting up in a safe place while eating.

At the same time, you need to regulate their nutrition intake. For example, 1-year-olds should be getting enough vitamin D and iron. That is why you should feed them natural foods like:

  • Soft fruits like bananas, mangos, avocados, and peaches
  • Oatmeal and whole-grain items like rice
  • High-quality hard-boiled or scrambled eggs
  • Steamed and mashed vegetables like carrots, beans, peas, and broccoli

The Bottom Line

When your baby turns one, their body starts changing and develops rapidly. Hence, they require different kinds of nutrition along with breast milk.

The baby formula might sound like a good option, but it can be dangerous for your almost-toddler’s respiratory and intestinal health.

UNICEF requests parents avoid junk food or soft drinks during this phase. Instead, 1-year-olds should be given fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and eggs as their source of energy and nutrition.

You should feed your child one cup of food three to four times daily. Moreover, two snacking sessions are a must. This way, your child will remain healthy, happy, and have all the nutrition required to grow.