What are Custom Challenge Coins and what can you use them for

In the past, challenge coins were only used by the military. It was a way to honor soldiers for their service and people would often receive them at military ceremonies. However, today, they are popular with universities and schools, academic and sports teams, businesses and organizations, as well as Marines, Army, Navy, and Coast Guard ceremonies. Since they are highly customizable, challenge coins are a perfect marketing tool and an incentive for anyone that receives it. Not only are they a symbol of courage and personal strength, but they inspire teamwork as well. In this article, you will be able to read about custom challenge coins, as well as for what you can use them for. Let’s take a look:

What are Challenge Coins?

The simplest answer is – they are small metal coins that are specifically customized. They are given to someone to confirm their membership in an organization or group and the insignia or emblem on it is directly etched into the coin. You can also choose to engrave the organization’s motto around the edge of it and they can have colored enamel painted into the etching. Although they are usually round, they can come in other shapes as well, including cutouts or other, unique features. Each coin represents a unit, team, or organization and they also represent the achievements of the people receiving them at a special event. As mentioned earlier, they have a long tradition in the military, but the army is not the only one that uses the challenge coins.

Img source: trzcacak.rs

At what events can Challenge Coins be used for?

Besides the military given them to soldier to honor their dedication and service, you can also use these coins for:

1. Awards – trophies, ribbons, and medal are all given to winners to allow them to remember their accomplishment. However, if you want to give them something special and unique that will stand out from their other awards, you can opt for giving them a unique, customized challenge coin that they will eagerly display among their other awards.

2. Memorials – banners and plaques are usually hung when there is something or someone important to remember, however, you can hand out the custom-made coins to anyone who deserves it, hence, they will be able to hold and cherish the memory by themselves.

3. Thank you – when an organization or person goes the extra mile to help someone, they are usually given a card or other items that display their appreciation. But, it would be more meaningful for them to receive something unique that they can proudly display, something like a challenge coin.

Img source: unitcoins.us

4. Job Fairs and Trade Shows – when companies attend events such as trade shows, fairs, or conferences, they usually give out all kinds of promotional material in order for them to stand out from the crowd and to be remembered by the event attendees. According to the experts from GS-JJ.com, it is better to give out a custom-made challenge coin, instead of giving them a pen with the company name on it. It will be a memorable gift and visitors will have an experience that they will gladly remember.


As you can see, there are various benefits to reap from custom challenge coins. Hence, do not waste any more time and start designing how your challenge coins will look like.