As a young adult, college can be too much to take. Juggling between classes, work, studying and socializing, can be really difficult. From the comfort of high school to the discomfort of college, the transition can often be nightmarish. It is important to not just be academically secure in college but also, experience the actual college life and for that, you need the luxury of time.
We, often hear that there’s no such thing as a free lunch or there is no shortcut to success or generally, in life. Guess what? That’s not entirely correct. There are multiple ways, you might not even be aware of, which can minimize your time in college and slash that hefty tuition cost to a great extent and can help you in that. To help you reach your goals more quickly, let’s dig into three of the best methods for accelerating your path to graduation and be the next IT prodigy.
1. Bring your professional and life experience to work

College is a whole new world which is not just mind-bogglingly expensive but also pretty difficult to grasp. If you’re looking to accelerate that IT degree and rush into the real, glamorous corporate world, your prior life experiences may come in handy.
Yes, you read it right. Your prior life experiences and professional background are assets worth leveraging. Various universities across the world offer some form of course deferment or waivers based on your history and expertise. It’s like getting extra credits even before you even decide which college you go to.
From a professional point of view, possessing a specialized level of knowledge based on your work history pretty much does the job. This could come in forms of written essays, reports, certificates, codding models that you might’ve prepared during an exciting internship during summers that prove you’ve done something beyond the books, resonating with the practical work. This would accelerate your bachelor’s degree and get you up and going towards your goals in lesser time and money.
2. Take online classes to accelerate your degree

Hail digitization because now you can attain that dream degree of yours by putting in minimum effort. Digitization not just saves travel time and needless to say, money but also enables you to juggle various things with just classes. You can take classes at your time and schedule it around your preference.
Digital experience is ideal for all those who’re looking towards unconventional ways of completing college in lesser time. If you’re one of those, you’re in luck! Multiple universities are offering eight-week-long online courses with equal credits as the traditional college classes to get you up and racing towards that degree.
Not just that, the online classes are on average 8 weeks long which means, you don’t have to let go of your internship/ social event/ extracurricular activities during the semester. You can conveniently pick and choose without having to cram too many core courses all at once. With that, a traditional semester lasts 4-6 months which means you can get away with completing twice as many classes as students attending traditional universities and colleges.
Furthermore, you can always use online resources with that additional homework help. Websites like wepapers offer a plethora of services. From paper writing service to help you write on yourself, they do it all with minimum cost and time. With that, the papers are customized to your requirements, meeting your preferred timeline with a money-back guarantee and complete anonymity. It doesn’t end here; you can also hit the installment option wherein case your paper is too long or costs a little over your monthly budget, you can totally pay the remaining amount the following week/ month, etc. You can totally test your luck by trying the spin game which has exciting bonus features like the following:
- Plagiarism Report
- 5 – 10% off
- Advanced Writer
- VIP Services
- Top Writer
- $ 5- 10 off
So, what are you waiting for? All the aforementioned services are just a click away.
3. Opt for classes with standardized examinations

Here’s another well-kept secret, there are classes that have standardized examinations like that of CLEP and DSST exams. These exams are credit by examination programs allowing students to qualify for easy credits by taking and subsequently, passing exams in various subject areas.
Furthermore, alongside, CLEP and DSST, there are various other selections including Excelsior/UExcel and TECEP which keeps you from being stuck at redundant entry and intermediary level courses. Besides slashing the time into half, the fee to take these tests is significantly lower than the traditional college classes which means, with additional time to breathe a little you are also saving big bucks.
The aforementioned method of degree acceleration is potentially the best-kept secret in the world of academia. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t waste another minute contemplating and get out there with a fancy degree, running towards your dreams.
At the end of the day, it is important to understand that no matter how long; you are embarking a major milestone in your life by attending college. It will not just provide you with academic excellence or a degree but will take you through the rollercoaster of experiences. Make sure you don’t succumb too much into finding shortcuts to get that degree quicker but truly enjoy the time you spend at college.
It will push you significantly close to your dreams and the real world. Enjoy it while it lasts and flies towards your goals.