Serbia Lacks Money To Purchase New Equipment For Its Army

BELGRADE – Serbian army will spend 55 billion dinars (452 million euros) next year, which is 5 billion less than this year – it is provided by the draft state budget for 2015.  Three billion dinars, intended for new weapons and equipment, will be sufficient only for smaller purchases. There will be no money for … Read more

Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo to be formed

Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said late on Tuesday that the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) will be formed after the local elections in Kosovo, by which the Serbs will constitute legitimate common leadership. Following the UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo, Dacic told a press conference that ZSO would be nothing like Republika Srpska … Read more


BELGRADE – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic sent a telegram to Russian President Vladimir Putin expressing his condolences following the downing of the Russian bomber that killed a pilot and a marine. Nikolic spoke to Sputnik Serbia in an exclusive interview expressing his solidarity with the Russian anti-terrorist operation in Syria. “At the same time it … Read more


Iraqi security forces have launched a massive mop-up operation along with the Syria and Jordan border areas, clearing the al-Qaida affiliated groups of the area, Al-Alam reported. According to Iraqi security officials, a great deal of Turkish-made military equipment, as well as ammunition, have been already seized in this operation, Al-Alam reported on Monday. The … Read more

Kosovo Albanian who behaeded a man says he is doing the same thing KLA did

Lavdrim Muhaxheri, a 25-year-old jihadist from Kosovo, who recently posted a photo on social networks where he is seen beheading a young Syrian, said that he did nothing more than what KLA [Kosovo Liberation Army, UCK) did during the war, writes Pristina daily “Express”, Tanjug reports. In an interview with the Albanian daily “Dita”, Muhaxheri … Read more