Novi Sad may become a European Capital of Culture in 2024

NOVI SAD – The European Union has adopted a decision under which Novi Sad may become a European Capital of Culture in 2024 instead of in 2024 as previously planned, the Cultural Centre of Novi Sad said in a statement on Friday. The delay will leave candidate countries and potential candidates sufficient time to sign … Read more

Jovan Krkobabic dies at age of 84

Jovan Krkobabic, leader of the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS) and President of the Association of Pensioners of Serbia, died today at the age of 84. Krkobabić died in Belgrade after a serious illness. He was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Policy. By education, he was a doctor of … Read more

If Putin is new Hitler, then monkey became of the man? – Kusturica

Director Emir Kusturica criticized the statement of Hilary Clinton, who compared Russian President Vladimir Putin with Hitler over the intervention in Ukraine, saying that this is not an insignificant thing, “Blic” reported. “To call Putin a fascist because of the intervention in Ukraine, and at the same time being one of the creators of wars … Read more

Ukrainian Warships Leave Sevastopol

About 10 Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet ships have left the naval base in Sevastopol, with several vessels now heading to Odessa, administrative sources have said. The ships left the base voluntarily but some of them broke down and returned, they claimed. Over the last 24 hours, “about 10 [war]ships and vessels of the Ukrainian Black … Read more