Vojislav Seselj Diagnosed With Metastatic Cancer, Chemotherapy Starts On Monday

BELGRADE – At an extraordinary press conference, held by Serbian Radical Party (SRS) at the party’s headquarters in Zemun, Vice President of SRS Zoran Krasic published the latest information regarding the health status of party leader Vojislav Seselj, who has been in the custody of the ICTY since February 24th 2003. On December 19 Seselj … Read more

Actress Ruzica Sokic Dies At Age Of 79

BELGRADE – Famous actress Ruzica Sokic died this morning at age of 79 after a long illness. She died at 10:30 at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Clinical Center of Serbia. Ruzica Sokic was born in 1934 as the daughter of a merchant and co-owner of the newspaper “Pravda”, Petar Sokic (1893 – 1964). … Read more

Serbian Archaeologist Finds 4,000-Year-Old Chariot

Pirot – During the protective archaeological works, carried out in parallel with the construction of Corridor 10, archaeologist Zoran Mitic found the remains of the beautifully decorated chariot, assumed to be aged between 3,000 and 4,000 years and to have belonged to a Thracian from the elite of the time. According to Mitic, this a … Read more

Hilandar To Be Visited By Women Soon?

A group of female MPs of the European Parliament asked Greece recently to abolish a regulation, according to which women are strictly forbidden to visit the Holy Mountain, its twenty monasteries and 2,500 monks. The request says that the law “violates gender equality and introduces discrimination against women, which is not consistent with democracy”. At … Read more