What Happened To Joseph Stalin’s Children

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid 20s to his death in 1953. Although many consider him as a tyrant, in Russia opinions are divided. His children, loved by their father, had interesting lives that led some of them far from home, and some into early death. Stalin’s youngest son … Read more

What language is spoken in Serbia

  Serbia is a small country in the southeast of Europe. Like all of the countries that once comprised Yugoslavia, it has people from all of the former republics living inside its borders. Combined with many dialects of their own language, there are dozens of different ways people talk in Serbia. Of course, Serbian is … Read more

Serbia religion – the story of various religions

Serbia has always been country that was on the crossroads of various cultures and conquests and all that has left the traits on it in various ways. Religion is not an exception. Regardless of its borders, it has always had various religious groups. From the earliest times, it was the homes of both pagans and … Read more

Why Did Austria Declare War On Serbia?

In order to fully understand Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia, an event that sparked the World War 1, we need to go back a while and take a look at the situation in Europe and Balkans especially at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903, a secret military organization called the Black Hand … Read more